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"Golden Rule Photography provides family portraits that include pets. You can include dogs, cats, guinea pigs, etc. whether they are service animals or not. Your primary responsibility is to keep your pet safe during portrait sessions. No one knows your furry family member better than you. Our photographers are not authorized to care for your pet beyond the typical interactions during your session."

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Prepairing your pet for family portraits

Preparing your pet for family portraits can make the experience enjoyable for everyone involved and result in better photos. Here are some tips to help you get your pet ready for the photo session:

  • Groom your pet: Ensure your pet is clean and well-groomed before the photo session. Brush their fur, trim their nails, and clean their eyes and ears. If necessary, schedule a grooming appointment a day or two before the shoot.
  • Exercise your pet: Take your pet for a walk or engage them in a play session before the photo shoot. This will help them release excess energy, making it easier for them to stay calm and focused during the session.
  • Practice basic obedience: Work on basic commands like sit, stay, and lie down with your pet before the photo session. This will help you position them easily and ensure they cooperate during the shoot.
  • Bring treats and toys: Have a supply of your pet's favorite treats and toys on hand during the photo session. Use them as incentives to reward good behavior and to help capture your pet's attention.
  • Familiarize your pet with the camera: Before the photo session, let your pet see and hear the camera in action. This will help them get used to the sounds and movements associated with photography, reducing their anxiety during the shoot.
  • Choose a comfortable location: Select a location for the photo session where your pet feels at ease, such as your home or a familiar park. This will help minimize their stress and result in more natural, relaxed portraits.
  • Plan outfits and accessories: If you plan to dress your pet in an outfit or use accessories, make sure they are comfortable wearing them beforehand. Introduce the items gradually and offer treats and praise for wearing them.
  • Schedule the session at the right time: Choose a time for the photo session when your pet is generally calm and well-rested. Avoid scheduling during their regular mealtime or naptime.
  • Communicate with the photographer: Talk to the photographer about your pet's temperament and any specific poses or shots you want to capture. This will help the photographer plan the session and adapt their approach to suit your pet's needs.
  • Be patient and stay positive: Pets can sense your emotions, so stay calm and patient during the photo session. Offer lots of praise and encouragement to help your pet feel comfortable and confident.

By following these tips, you can ensure a smooth and enjoyable family portrait experience that includes your beloved pet.